Combining Chiropractic Launceston

More than just chiropractic…

We are Launceston Chiros who are passionate about helping you to the best of our ability. By not limiting ourselves to only chiropractic techniques & by embracing diagnostic & therapeutic approaches from osteopaths, physiotherapists, massage therapists, exercise physiologists, podiatrists & medicine we can diagnose with greater accuracy & treat with great efficiency a broad range of musculoskeletal & discogenic pain.

Pain is a symptom. While joints & muscles can tighten, ache, lock or grab, there is an underlying reason or reasons. The pain is not the problem, it is the symptom. A practitioner that treats only the symptom requires you to go back again & again for relief & can cause the problem to perpetuate or worsen. Find the core problem, resolve that with appropriate strategies & the symptoms are resolved.

The discs in the spine & neck may crevice [discogenic pain], bulge, tear [annular fissure] & even rupture. The ability to diagnose the presence of & identfy the disc pain type is critical in applying the appropriate therapy & advice. Too often we see people given the wrong [or no] advice on how to manage disc injuries. Disc pain is the main exception to the the above statement that “pain is a symptom”. In the case of disc damage the pain must be thought of as the actual problem for effective healing & resolution. The pain must be respected & worked with, not against. Too often people are actually ‘feeding’ their disc pain by doing the wrong things. Diagnosing disc involvement is critical for correct therapy & advice. In some advanced disc cases referral for specialist review is required as there is nothing more conservative management can achieve.

Manual therapists are akin to panel beaters not mechanics. If you have to see your panel beater regularly you would be better off spending your money on driving lessons. An old Chinese proverb: “give a man a fish you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Teach someone to manage their own pain rather than make them reliant on you for relief.

Ongoing therapy is unnecessary in 99% of cases. It is an example of poor diagnosis & inefficient therapy. It is also an excellent income stream for the practitioner. Remember the wise words of Albert Einstein: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Apply that to seeing a practitioner over & over again for the same problem. Imagine having to take your car to a mechanic for the same problem every month.

The body will heal if it is able. It will heal to a extent as limited by the internal structure & external triggers. Understanding & applying this principle is critical in complex cases. The wrong therapy or advice will slow, prevent or reverse the natural healing process. In most cases the body will fix itself [if able]. We just need to allow it to do so.

We either fix you, give you the strategies to manage your own condition or refer you onward to someone else if we can’t help you. We can generally offer same day or next day appointments due to our specialised patient management strategies.

We offer a unique, common sense, effective, mixed-modality, evidence based diagnostic & therapeutic approach.

Contact us today for an appointment, so we can help you.

“if you are not getting better, you should be